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Youth & Family Services

Safe Journeys application form

Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing Application

Please complete this online application to apply for Tubman's Youth Transitional Housing.

To learn more about Safe Journeys, call (651) 789-7130.

If you are in need of shelter or in crisis, call Tubman's 24/7 resource and crisis line at (612) 825-0000.

Please note: If you need any assistance with interpreting or completing this application, please do not hesitate to contact Tubman. Staff can provide the form in languages other than English, and you have the option of verbally dictating your answers.

We are glad you are interested in applying for Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing. Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing aims to: assist survivors of domestic and sexual assault and stalking gain economic stability and achieve their personal goals. We do this by providing a variety of practical and emotional support, and housing assistance.

Described here are the eligibility criteria for Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing and some basic program information. This application is used to determine whether you are eligible and whether this program can offer you the support and assistance you desire. The questions in this application are included solely as a way of establishing whether this program is a good fit for your needs and situation. You have the right to not answer any question you believe is not necessary to determine eligibility.

Please complete this application and submit it. Once we receive your application, we will review it and contact you within 5 business days. If you are eligible, we will set up a time to meet and discuss the next steps in the process. This meeting can take place at any public place we both feel is safe (coffee shop, library, Transitional Housing office, shelter office) and that will provide enough privacy for our conversation. If we don’t currently have space in our transitional housing program, we will refer you to other relevant programs, as interested. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Eligibility Criteria

Determination of acceptance into Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing for single, head of households age 24 and under and child/ren if parenting, will be made on a case by case basis, based on the following minimum criteria and guidelines.

Applicant must be:

  • A survivor of domestic and/or sexual violence, dating violence or stalking;
  • In need of housing as a result of domestic and/or sexual violence, dating violence, or stalking; and
  • Twenty-four (24) years old or under.

*Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing program recognizes that the applicant does not have control over an abusive person’s behavior or the behavior of people associated with the person who has been abusive. We also strive to help each participant maintain the safest life possible, and will not exclude participation or withhold assistance based on the abusive person’s behavior.

Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing Information

Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing can provide:

  • Rent-free living for duration of the program (24 months)
  • Advocacy and emotional support, including counseling and case management
  • Assistance finding and maintaining permanent housing
  • Safety planning and safety devices for your home
  • Vocational, career, and employment assistance
  • Assistance with transportation, child care and household furnishings
  • Referrals to community resources and services
  • Follow-up services, for a minimum of 3 months, upon exiting transitional housing
First Name *
Last Name *
If we contact you by phone, is it safe to leave a message?
Are you 24 or under?
Are you able to understand (verbal and/or written) English?
Do you have a companion or service animal(s)?
Do you have other animals that you are concerned for that might need temporary housing?
Current Living Situation
Are you currently homeless as a result of domestic and/or sexual violence, dating violence, or stalking?
Are you currently staying in a safe place while your participation in Tubman’s Youth Transitional Housing is determined?
If No, would you like someone to contact you about options for safe, emergency shelter?
Are you willing to relocate to another community?
Additional Support & Services?
Community Resources

Please note that this is an application and does not constitute acceptance into transitional housing. If you are eligible, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled and additional information may be requested. Thank you!